Obtains a local date _in this chronology from another temporal object. !(p) This obtains a date _in this chronology based on the specified temporal. A {@code TemporalAccessor} represents an arbitrary set of date and time information, which this factory converts to an instance of {@code ChronoLocalDate}. !(p) The conversion typically uses the {@link ChronoField#EPOCH_DAY EPOCH_DAY} field, which is standardized across calendar systems. !(p) This method matches the signature of the functional interface {@link TemporalQuery} allowing it to be used as a query via method reference, {@code aChronology::date}.

@param temporal the temporal object to convert, not null @return the local date _in this chronology, not null @throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date @see ChronoLocalDate#from(TemporalAccessor)
