
Checks if this date-time is before the specified date-time. !(p) This checks to see if this date-time represents a point on the local time-line before the other date-time. !(pre) LocalDate a = LocalDateTime.of(2012, 6, 30, 12, 00); LocalDate b = LocalDateTime.of(2012, 7, 1, 12, 00); a.isBefore(b) == true a.isBefore(a) == false b.isBefore(a) == false </pre> !(p) This method only considers the position of the two date-times on the local time-line. It does not take into account the chronology, or calendar system. This is different from the comparison _in {@link #compareTo(ChronoLocalDateTime)}, but is the same approach as {@link ChronoLocalDateTime#timeLineOrder()}.

@param other the other date-time to compare to, not null @return true if this date-time is before the specified date-time

  1. bool isBefore(ChronoLocalDateTime!(ChronoLocalDate) other)
    class LocalDateTime
  2. bool isBefore(LocalDateTime other)
