Returns a copy of this time with the specified amount subtracted.
This returns an {@code OffsetTime}, based on this one, with the specified amount subtracted.
The amount is typically {@link Duration} but may be any other type implementing
the {@link TemporalAmount} interface.
The calculation is delegated to the amount object by calling
{@link TemporalAmount#subtractFrom(Temporal)}. The amount implementation is free
to implement the subtraction _in any way it wishes, however it typically
calls back to {@link #minus(long, TemporalUnit)}. Consult the documentation
of the amount implementation to determine if it can be successfully subtracted.
This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
@param amountToSubtract the amount to subtract, not null
@return an {@code OffsetTime} based on this time with the subtraction made, not null
@throws DateTimeException if the subtraction cannot be made
@throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
Returns a copy of this time with the specified amount subtracted. !(p) This returns an {@code OffsetTime}, based on this one, with the specified amount subtracted. The amount is typically {@link Duration} but may be any other type implementing the {@link TemporalAmount} interface. !(p) The calculation is delegated to the amount object by calling {@link TemporalAmount#subtractFrom(Temporal)}. The amount implementation is free to implement the subtraction _in any way it wishes, however it typically calls back to {@link #minus(long, TemporalUnit)}. Consult the documentation of the amount implementation to determine if it can be successfully subtracted. !(p) This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
@param amountToSubtract the amount to subtract, not null @return an {@code OffsetTime} based on this time with the subtraction made, not null @throws DateTimeException if the subtraction cannot be made @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs