
Appends the generic time-zone name, such as 'Pacific Time', to the formatter. !(p) This appends an instruction to format/parse the generic textual name of the zone to the builder. The generic name is the same throughout the whole year, ignoring any daylight saving changes. For example, 'Pacific Time' is the generic name, whereas 'Pacific Standard Time' and 'Pacific Daylight Time' are the specific names, see {@link #appendZoneText(TextStyle)}. !(p) This method also allows a set of preferred {@link ZoneId} to be specified for parsing. The matched preferred zone id will be used if the textural zone name being parsed is not unique. !(p) See {@link #appendGenericZoneText(TextStyle)} for details about formatting and parsing.

@param textStyle the text style to use, not null @param preferredZones the set of preferred zone ids, not null @return this, for chaining, not null @since 9

  1. DateTimeFormatterBuilder appendGenericZoneText(TextStyle textStyle)
  2. DateTimeFormatterBuilder appendGenericZoneText(TextStyle textStyle, Set!(ZoneId) preferredZones)
    class DateTimeFormatterBuilder
