
Appends the localized zone offset, such as 'GMT+01:00', to the formatter. !(p) This appends a localized zone offset to the builder, the format of the localized offset is controlled by the specified {@link FormatStyle style} to this method: !(ul) !(li){@link TextStyle#FULL full} - formats with localized offset text, such as 'GMT, 2-digit hour and minute field, optional second field if non-zero, and colon. !(li){@link TextStyle#SHORT short} - formats with localized offset text, such as 'GMT, hour without leading zero, optional 2-digit minute and second if non-zero, and colon. </ul> !(p) During formatting, the offset is obtained using a mechanism equivalent to querying the temporal with {@link TemporalQueries#offset()}. If the offset cannot be obtained then an exception is thrown unless the section of the formatter is optional. !(p) During parsing, the offset is parsed using the format defined above. If the offset cannot be parsed then an exception is thrown unless the section of the formatter is optional.

@param style the format style to use, not null @return this, for chaining, not null @throws IllegalArgumentException if style is neither {@link TextStyle#FULL full} nor {@link TextStyle#SHORT short}

class DateTimeFormatterBuilder
