
Appends the text of a date-time field to the formatter using the specified map to supply the text. !(p) The standard text outputting methods use the localized text _in the JDK. This method allows that text to be specified directly. The supplied map is not validated by the builder to ensure that formatting or parsing is possible, thus an invalid map may throw an error during later use. !(p) Supplying the map of text provides considerable flexibility _in formatting and parsing. For example, a legacy application might require or supply the months of the year as "JNY", "FBY", "MCH" etc. These do not match the standard set of text for localized month names. Using this method, a map can be created which defines the connection between each value and the text: !(pre) Map&lt;Long, string&gt; map = new HashMap&lt;&gt;(); map.put(1L, "JNY"); map.put(2L, "FBY"); map.put(3L, "MCH"); ... builder.appendText(MONTH_OF_YEAR, map); </pre> !(p) Other uses might be to output the value with a suffix, such as "1st", "2nd", "3rd", or as Roman numerals "I", "II", "III", "IV". !(p) During formatting, the value is obtained and checked that it is _in the valid range. If text is not available for the value then it is output as a number. During parsing, the parser will match against the map of text and numeric values.

@param field the field to append, not null @param textLookup the map from the value to the text @return this, for chaining, not null

  1. DateTimeFormatterBuilder appendText(TemporalField field)
  2. DateTimeFormatterBuilder appendText(TemporalField field, TextStyle textStyle)
  3. DateTimeFormatterBuilder appendText(TemporalField field, Map!(Long, string) textLookup)
    class DateTimeFormatterBuilder
