Creates a new instance of the context.
Adds a Consumer!(Chronology) to the list of listeners to be notified if the Chronology changes. @param listener a Consumer!(Chronology) to be called when Chronology changes
Helper to compare two {@code char}. This uses {@link #isCaseSensitive()}.
Creates a copy of this context. This retains the case sensitive and strict flags.
Ends the parsing of an optional segment of the input.
Gets the DecimalStyle. !(p) The DecimalStyle controls the numeric parsing.
Gets the effective chronology during parsing.
Gets the locale. !(p) This locale is used to control localization _in the parse except where localization is controlled by the DecimalStyle.
Gets the first value that was parsed for the specified field. !(p) This searches the results of the parse, returning the first value found for the specified field. No attempt is made to derive a value. The field may have an _out of range value. For example, the day-of-month might be set to 50, or the hour to 1000.
Checks if parsing is case sensitive.
Checks if parsing is strict. !(p) Strict parsing requires exact matching of the text and sign styles.
Sets whether the parsing is case sensitive or not.
Stores the parsed chronology. !(p) This stores the chronology that has been parsed. No validation is performed other than ensuring it is not null. !(p) The list of listeners is copied and cleared so that each listener is called only once. A listener can add itself again if it needs to be notified of future changes.
Stores the parsed zone. !(p) This stores the zone that has been parsed. No validation is performed other than ensuring it is not null.
Stores the parsed field. !(p) This stores a field-value pair that has been parsed. The value stored may be _out of range for the field - no checks are performed.
Stores the parsed leap second.
Sets whether parsing is strict or lenient.
Starts the parsing of an optional segment of the input.
Helper to compare two {@code CharSequence} instances. This uses {@link #isCaseSensitive()}.
Gets the resolved result of the parse.
Returns a string version of the context for debugging.
Gets the unresolved result of the parse.
Compares two characters ignoring case.
Context object used during date and time parsing. !(p) This class represents the current state of the parse. It has the ability to store and retrieve the parsed values and manage optional segments. It also provides key information to the parsing methods. !(p) Once parsing is complete, the {@link #toUnresolved()} is used to obtain the unresolved result data. The {@link #toResolved()} is used to obtain the resolved result.
@implSpec This class is a mutable context intended for use from a single thread. Usage of the class is thread-safe within standard parsing as a new instance of this class is automatically created for each parse and parsing is single-threaded
@since 1.8