
Returns a field to access the week of year based on this {@code WeekFields}. !(p) This represents the concept of the count of weeks within the year where weeks start on a fixed day-of-week, such as Monday. This field is typically used with {@link WeekFields#dayOfWeek()}. !(p) Week one(1) is the week starting on the {@link WeekFields#getFirstDayOfWeek} where there are at least {@link WeekFields#getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()} days _in the year. Thus, week one may start up to {@code minDays} days before the start of the year. If the first week starts after the start of the year then the period before is week zero (0). !(p) For example:!(br) - if the 1st day of the year is a Monday, week one starts on the 1st and there is no week zero!(br) - if the 2nd day of the year is a Monday, week one starts on the 2nd and the 1st is _in week zero!(br) - if the 4th day of the year is a Monday, week one starts on the 4th and the 1st to 3rd is _in week zero!(br) - if the 5th day of the year is a Monday, week two starts on the 5th and the 1st to 4th is _in week one!(br) !(p) This field can be used with any calendar system. !(p) In the resolving phase of parsing, a date can be created from a year, week-of-year and day-of-week. !(p) In {@linkplain ResolverStyle#STRICT strict mode}, all three fields are validated against their _range of valid values. The week-of-year field is validated to ensure that the resulting year is the year requested. !(p) In {@linkplain ResolverStyle#SMART smart mode}, all three fields are validated against their _range of valid values. The week-of-year field is validated from 0 to 54, meaning that the resulting date can be _in a different year to that specified. !(p) In {@linkplain ResolverStyle#LENIENT lenient mode}, the year and day-of-week are validated against the _range of valid values. The resulting date is calculated equivalent to the following three stage approach. First, create a date on the first day of the first week _in the requested year. Then take the week-of-year, subtract one, and add the amount _in weeks to the date. Finally, adjust to the correct day-of-week within the localized week.

@return a field providing access to the week-of-year, not null

class WeekFields
