Implements the {@code Externalizable} interface to read the object.
The streamed type and parameters defined by the type's {@code writeReplace}
method are read and passed to the corresponding static factory for the type
to create a new instance. That instance is returned as the de-serialized
{@code Ser} object.
!(li)<a href="{@docRoot}/">ZoneRules</a>
- {@code ZoneRules.of(standardTransitions, standardOffsets, savingsInstantTransitions, wallOffsets, lastRules);}
!(li)<a href="{@docRoot}/">ZoneOffsetTransition</a>
- {@code ZoneOffsetTransition of(LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(epochSecond), offsetBefore, offsetAfter);}
!(li)<a href="{@docRoot}/">ZoneOffsetTransitionRule</a>
- {@code ZoneOffsetTransitionRule.of(month, dom, dow, time, timeEndOfDay, timeDefinition, standardOffset, offsetBefore, offsetAfter);}
@param _in the data to read, not null
Implements the {@code Externalizable} interface to read the object. @serialData The streamed type and parameters defined by the type's {@code writeReplace} method are read and passed to the corresponding static factory for the type to create a new instance. That instance is returned as the de-serialized {@code Ser} object.
!(ul) !(li)<a href="{@docRoot}/">ZoneRules</a> - {@code ZoneRules.of(standardTransitions, standardOffsets, savingsInstantTransitions, wallOffsets, lastRules);} !(li)<a href="{@docRoot}/">ZoneOffsetTransition</a> - {@code ZoneOffsetTransition of(LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(epochSecond), offsetBefore, offsetAfter);} !(li)<a href="{@docRoot}/">ZoneOffsetTransitionRule</a> - {@code ZoneOffsetTransitionRule.of(month, dom, dow, time, timeEndOfDay, timeDefinition, standardOffset, offsetBefore, offsetAfter);} </ul> @param _in the data to read, not null